As believers we are born again, spirit filled, bible believing, Pentecostal, evangelical promoters of the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

We are called to be Disciples, Witnesses and Ambassadors of Christ Jesus. We have accepted the mandate that the Lord God Jehovah has given to all his children, which is to build his kingdom here on earth.

We are passionate about Christ

Our responsibility is to love the Lord with all that we are and have. To love God’s people, to study, speak and live God’s word. To acknowledge the Lord in all our ways.

To assist to the best of our ability, the poor and needy, the widows and orphans, the sick and afflicted and to help hurting humanity. 

We are dedicated to the mission

We pray without ceasing, operating always in accordance to the leading of the Holy Spirit using the faith that we have in the God that we serve!

Join us while we work until he comes!!!

We will accomplish the mission

"And the Lord answered me, and said, Write the vision, and make it plain upon tables, that he may run that readeth it. For the vision is yet for an appointed time, but at the end it shall speak, and not lie: though it tarry, wait for it; because it will surely come, it will not tarry."

Habakkuk 2:2-3

We are rooted in scripture

New Vision for Christ Ministries are bringing together the least, the lost and left out, and all others to worship and serve together in one of our infrastructure ministries as we build the Kingdom of God.

How we serve

ABOUT nvfcm

Our theme scriptures were: “Where there is no vision, the people perish” ~ Proverbs 29:18.

For a whole year, we searched for a suitable facility to fulfill God’s desire for his people. In the summer of 1997, we were presented with a property located in North Miami, Fla. As the board of directors toured the property, the spirit of the Lord confirmed that this was the promise land. We signed the contract that same day, secured financing within 90 days, and signed the deed on September 5, 1997.

It was a new beginning with endless possibilities. On November of 1997, we held our first service. In 1998, God spoke to pay off the building in three years and on April 26, 2001, we became a debt-free ministry.

The history of New Vision for Christ Ministries, Inc. is a story of two ministries. It begins with the history of Evangelism for Christ, located in Miami, Fla., under the leadership of Dr. E. L. Kelly. Dr. Kelly served as pastor for over thirty years until his passing in 1994. At that time, Pastor Michael Screen was the assistant pastor and later promoted to senior pastor. God spoke to the hearts of Pastor Michael and the late Minister Marsha Screen to begin a new work for the kingdom of God.

New Vision for Christ Ministries, a non-denominational, multicultural church led by Pastor Michael D. Screen, was founded in February 19, 1996. Although the congregation was small, each member was faithful and determined to ensure that New Vision would create a legacy of its own. We began to vigorously plant seeds and raise funds to secure ownership of a facility, and not just occupy as renters.

Not just a church,
but a movement

our story

And, Praise the Lord, the ministry has gone international! The Lord commissioned us to build a church and mission center in Port De Paix, Haiti and in 2007, the facilities were completed. Today, services are being held regularly and we continue to operate as a debt-free ministry. Pastor Line Vincent and First Lady Celine oversees a congregation of about 150 congregants.

To God be the Glory

our expansion